Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Monday, June 7, 2010

Post Camp Surveys

Please click the following link and complete the post Cyber Discovery Camp Survey

Friday, June 4, 2010

Saturday Itinerary

7:30 - 9:30 -- Story-Line Presentations (individual teams) -Hale Hall (East Entrance)
Each team will present no longer than 10 minutes. The following is the list of start times that was randomly generated for the schools. Please arrive at least 10 minutes to your start time.
  • 7:30 - Benton
  • 7:40 - El Dorado
  • 7:50 - Southwood
  • 8:00 - West Monroe
  • 8:10 - North DeSoto
  • 8:20 - 8:30 BREAK
  • 8:30 - Ruston
  • 8:40 - Byrd
  • 8:50 - Minden
  • 9:00 - Airline
  • 9:10 - Parkway
9:30 - 11:30 -- Final Cyber Challenge

11:30 -- Lunch and Presentations - Tolliver Hall

1:30 - 3:00 Check-out - Women's Center

Day 4 Video

Check out the link to the video of Cyber Discovery Camp Day 4!

Cyber Operations assignment

Imagine that President Obama has placed you in charge of developing a propaganda campaign that would convince insurgents in Afghanistan to lay down their weapons and support the government. Which themes would you stress? Which media would you use? Which techniques would you employ? Outline your strategy and provide some sample pieces. Use relevant sources from the web to inform and support your strategy. REMEMBER YOUR AUDIENCE.

Each group must email a response of no more that 600 words in .rtf format to and by 8am on Saturday, June 5 (please note that the 600-word limit applies only to the strategy and not the sample pieces). Please remember to omit all identifying information from the essay and name the file a random four-digit number, e.g. 5432.rtf. Remember this number! For grading criteria, please view our rubric here.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Friday Itinerary

8:00-9:00 Breakfast

9:00-9:30 Movie Discussion (Mixed Small Groups)

9:30-11:00* Hands-On-Lab (Full Group)
Topic: Boe-Bot Activitiy (open-ended preparation for final challenge)

11:00-11:15 Break

11:15-12:00 Cyber Policy and Ethics (Full Group)

Theme: Cyber Operations

12:00-1:00 Lunch

1:30 - 3:30* Hands-On-Lab (Full Group)
Open-ended preparation for final challenge

3:30-5:30* Team Time (School Groups)

5:30-6:30 Dinner

7:00-8:30 Team Time (Small groups) - arena in Memorial Gym

9:00-11:00 Team Time (School Groups) - in rooms

11:00 Lights out

*Green-screen time to be scheduled for 20 minute sessions
3 sessions in the 9:30-11:00 time slot
4 sessions in the 1:30-3:30 time slot
3 sessions in the 4:00-5:30 time slot

Exemplary essay

Here were the two assignments that came in first place:

First essay

Second essay

Cyber threats assignment

Imagine that you work in the historical division of the Department of Homeland Security. Your director informs you that the CIA has recently picked up some intelligence that suggests a series of possible attacks against the United States in the next few weeks. She wants you to work up a threat assessment. She asks you to research the American experience with hostile governments and organizations in the 20th century (especially Germany and anarchist organizations) and come up with some useful lessons that could inform policy in the present. Based on what happened earlier, what kinds of actions might the government expect? Why were these entities interested in harming the United States? Based on the different threats today and the new cyber infrastructure, what might be different? What kinds of policies should the American government implement to protect the American people?

Here are some references for incidents mentioned in the briefings:

Black Tom Explosion
George Dasch case
Wall Street Bombing

Each group must email a response of no more that 600 words in .rtf format to and by 8am on Friday, June 4. Please remember to omit all identifying information from the essay and name the file a random four-digit number, e.g. 5432.rtf. Remember this number! For grading criteria, please view our rubric here.

How to Submit your Cyberfort

I think this will be the simplest way to submit your cyberfort: email it to Bill Willoughby as an attachment. Before you submit your fort, please perform these tasks:

Delete all extraneous information in your 3-D file . . . All JaLeesa, Sean, and myself need is your Cyberfort. Not the arena, not the model of the Boe-bot, not the example forts, and no extra lines ro surfaces in your model.

IMPORTANT!!! Name your file after your school! If you do not designate the file this way, we will not know which cut-out belongs to which school.

Send your file by 6:30 PM today (Thursday June 3,2010) to this email address: wtwillou "at" (

Any files date stamped as submitted after this time will not be judged and therefore gain no points for the development of your Cyberfort . . . so be on time! The upon judging, each forts will be ranked in descending order based upon the rubric/criteria established earlier here:

BOE-Bot Challenge #2 Results

Here are the results from the autonomous maze navigation. This was a challenging project, but there were many successes! Very good work! Here is the point distribution for this challenge:

100 - North Desoto
90 - Ruston
80 - Southwood
70 - Airline
60 - Byrd
50 - West Monroe
40 - Parkway
20 - Minden
20 - ElDorado
20 - Benton

Good work teams!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day 3 Video

Check out the video of Day 3!

Thursday Itinerary

8:00-9:00 Breakfast

9:00-9:30 Movie Discussion (Mixed Small Groups)

  • Group 1: GTM 123A
  • Group 2: Dean's Conference Room (1st Floor of GTM)
  • Group 3: GTM 223
  • Group 4: Bogard Hall 325
  • Group 5: Bogard Hall 327
  • Group 6: Bogard Hall 326*
*Please note that Group 6 has changed to Bogard Hall 326

9:30-11:00 Hands-On-Lab (Full Group) - Bogard Hall 304

  • Topic: Boe-Bot Activitiy 3 (explore challenges)

11:00-11:15 Break

11:15-12:00 Cyber Policy and Ethics (Full Group) - Bogard Hall 304

  • Theme: Cyber Operations

12:00-1:00 Lunch

1:00-1:30 Cyber Policy and Ethics Case Study (School Groups) - A Place of Your Choosing

1:30-1:40 Break

1:45-3:30 Hands-On-Lab (Full Group) - Bogard Hall 304

  • Topic: Manipulations and Exploitations I

3:30-5:30 Team Time (School Groups) - A Place of Your Choosing

5:30-6:30 Dinner

6:30-8:30 Movie Time (Full Group)- Wyly Tower Auditorium

9:00-11:00 Team Time (School Groups) - University Apartments

11:00 Lights out

The Net (1995)


Sandra Bullock as Angela Bennett

Jeremy Northam as Jack Devlin

Dennis Miller as Dr. Alan Champion

Diane Baker as Mrs. Bennett

Watch for:

New technologies—what kinds of 1990s technology do we see and what is it used for? Pay attention to how computers have become integrated into everyday life.

The recurring theme of memory/forgetting—where do you see this and what does it mean?

Think about the significance of various names in the film: “Devlin,” “Marx,” “Champion”, “Cathedral”, “Gatekeeper,” etc.


The game that Angela is playing/debugging at the beginning of the movie is the Apple version Wolfenstein 3D, similar to the console editions of the game released on the Atari Jaguar and 3DO.

The Operating System Angela is using throughout the movie is Mac OS 7

Look for the unlikely message that appears on the airport “flight status” screen early in the movie.

Questions for discussion:

What is Angela’s specialization in her work with computers?

What do Angela’s chat buddies mean when they say that she’s “one of us”?

What’s the significance of the name of Angela’s employer, “Cathedral”?

Why is Angela so socially awkward and uncomfortable?

What is the larger goal of the “Praetorians” (the bad guys) and how are they trying to accomplish it?

How believable is it that our identity might be electronically altered or erased?

What can we do to prevent similar types of “identity theft”?