Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Cyber Knowledge assignment

Imagine you read Berry's essay when it was first published in 1990, and Harper's asked you to write a response that would be published along with his reply. What would you say regarding both his argument in general, as well as his particular examples and issues? Is there a sense in which his "indictment" of technological innovation (especially the proliferation of computers) is correct? And if so, can you give any examples in your own life of technology that ends up doing more harm than good? Or, is Berry's analysis flawed, which leads him to see solutions as problems? If so, what is wrong in his chain of reasoning that produces this erroneous judgment? And can you think of any technological innovation that meets or exceeds his standards laid out on pg. 32?

Be sure in your response to anticipate his reply to your response, for as you have seen, he will be able to use your words, and hence your ideas, against you.

Each group must email a response of no more that 600 words in .rtf format to briane@latech.edu and jmhire@latech.edu by 8am on Wednesday, June 2. Please remember to omit all identifying information from the essay and name the file a random four-digit number, e.g. 5432.rtf. Remember this number! For grading criteria, please view our rubric here.

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