Thursday, June 3, 2010

Cyber threats assignment

Imagine that you work in the historical division of the Department of Homeland Security. Your director informs you that the CIA has recently picked up some intelligence that suggests a series of possible attacks against the United States in the next few weeks. She wants you to work up a threat assessment. She asks you to research the American experience with hostile governments and organizations in the 20th century (especially Germany and anarchist organizations) and come up with some useful lessons that could inform policy in the present. Based on what happened earlier, what kinds of actions might the government expect? Why were these entities interested in harming the United States? Based on the different threats today and the new cyber infrastructure, what might be different? What kinds of policies should the American government implement to protect the American people?

Here are some references for incidents mentioned in the briefings:

Black Tom Explosion
George Dasch case
Wall Street Bombing

Each group must email a response of no more that 600 words in .rtf format to and by 8am on Friday, June 4. Please remember to omit all identifying information from the essay and name the file a random four-digit number, e.g. 5432.rtf. Remember this number! For grading criteria, please view our rubric here.

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